About us

A history of real estate servers - Levnebydleni.cz and EN-Real-Estate.cz

The history of real estate server www.levnebydleni.cz is written since 2004 when the server started into running after longer testing period that begun in 2003.

Since 2004 our server goes through continuous development and function improving that is focused to our visitors who want to sell their realties, let and/or invest to the realty area, so some of the offered realty buy, at as a long-term investment embedded financial resources, or in order to reservation personal living in at home or apartment in personal proprietorship, or in order to reservation living within lease moderate for all interested person.

Of course we do not forget to clients who want to sell their lots or - on the contrary to buy lots for their own house building or just in order to make profit from long-term investment.

For those from business area we also offer a lot of non-residential premises as well for sale as for lease.

And we also reserve a sufficient space for developer companies those deal with building of realties for living and for business.

Our company – „LEVNE BYDLENI CZ, Ltd.“ is since 2011/2 the operator of real estate servers named Levnebydleni.cz, Luxusnibydleni.cz, Komercnireality.cz and of a group of multilanguage xx-real-estate.cz servers. The purpose of earlier mentioned servers is to offer clients real properties from areas low-cost living, luxury living and from areas commercial, non-residental spaces for business.

On pages of our real estate servers we publish offers from many influential and also smaller real estate companies from all over Czech Republic. But our company does not deal with real common estate activities, like selling or hire of realties themselves.

A little about section “Real-Estate“

At present we are bringing actual offer of realties for sale or lease in this thematic heading. In this section you may find offers to purchase of estate agencies and private advertisers as well: cheap housing and low-cost flats, luxury housing and apartments, cheap houses, cottages and chalets, luxury houses, villas and rent houses, low-cost commercial and building land, lots for living and utility lots, large-scale lots and lots for building projects, or even non-residential, business and commercial premises, stalls, restaurants, boarding-houses, power stations. This section about living also offers you chance of purchase of different realties to lease or sublease : singlerooms, cheap flats, luxury housing and apartments, houses, recreational cottages and chalets, luxury summer residences, apartment houses or exclusive houses, non-residential, business-like and commercial premises, stalls, tearooms, boardinghouses, or even lands! Further we offer possibility of our free law consultancy that you can certainly make use of - at decision making or at solving difficult situation. The section REAL ESTATE offers possibility of detailed searching and subsequent filtering of offer list. Further you can use offer or demand forms for addressing of real estate companies those advertise on our server.

A little about section “Finances“

In another section „FINANCE“, our server about living brings actual information and offers of services from areas of mortgage administration, financial consultancy, household and realty insurance, building savings, credits and loans. You can also find here published views of real-estate professionals on state or near development of real-estate market or also some helpful references.

About server development

As you can notice, our pages go through changes day by day that are bringing much new. Whole team of our company points interest in different improvements. On the server project work more specialists and companies, who tireless work on future development. Our server brings you more than only a bundle of offers. It offers you first of all new and effective way how to buy, sell, hire or let a realty. You can find here not only "low-cost" offers, but thanks to effective system of offer sorting according to bottom prices, you can afford "more music for less money". Sophisticated system provides possibility of real estate advertising not only for estate agencies. Professional publicity of offered realpropety is then also available for private advertisers.

In the following months our server will be added with other thematic sections that have the only common factor: living. You will be able to learm more about possibility of classic and modern building technology. We will go with you - from lots purchase, through house project as far as up its realization. Without difficulties you can furnish interior and make your buliding safe. As you can see, our aim is to create first comprehensive server which you can realy on in time when you will want better living.

The real estate server passes through many changes in the area of technical improvement of server quality. As our aim is to adapt server especially in accordance of requests and needs of our clients and visitors, we will apreciate any suggestion or proposal to improve functions of our real estate server. Your proposals and suggestions send by e-mail to address of our technical support: techhelp@levnebydleni.cz

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